Jumat, 25 November 2011

Evan Schwartz - Ride the Fall

Evan Schwartz se představí v bike videu, na kterém se podíleli filmaři Liam Mullany a David Peacock. Evan předvede v tomto videu, které dostalo název "Ride the Fall" na extrémních stezkách opravdu velké jezdecké dovednosti.


Not many people have the luxury of eating two (Canadian) Thanksgiving dinners back to back, but when Evan Schwartz heard he might be able to score two full spreads of turkey, he immediately dropped everything, packed up and made the 5-hour trek from Nelson to our couch in Kelowna. With this in mind, we had a solid shot-list assembled. Dolly shots into a stack of yams, cable-cams across the dinner table and super slow motion gravy pours were all lined up. We furiously ate our way out of budget in anticipation, leaving the rest of our plans to crumble. So, instead of the high-brow dinner film which was initially scripted, we ended up having to mash our way down the trail, shooting a regular old mountain biking edit.

Luckily for us, Evan was able to scrounge up a bike he found lying in the back of his pickup, so we spent a few days toiling away. Combining our efforts shooting and editing, it was a rewarding experience. We did this project for ourselves, not to fulfill obligations or make money, and we hope you enjoy the result. With a bit of luck, you’ll be seeing a lot more of it in the future. – Liam Mullany and David Peacock.

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