Minggu, 27 November 2011

Experience Zero Gravity - Betty Wants In

Zero Gravity je pokračování uspěšného snímku "Human Flight" od design studia Betty Wants In, které vytváří videa a pohyblivou grafiku. Nyní se pokochejte záběry z nejkrásnějších míst světa. V této kapitole zavítá Betty Wants In do Norska, Švýcarska a Francie, kde lidé skáčou z útesů vysokých až 1800 m.


Chapter 1: Experience Human Flight
Chapter 2: Experience Zero Gravity

Starring: Ossie Khan, Stephen (Sparky) Baich, Fred Fugen, Vince Refett, Jade Edaj, Pepe Cam, Simon Wandeler, Adrian Acquado, Jeremy Bourne, and Woody.
Produced by:  Betty Wants In
In Association with: Melbourne Skydive Centre, MelbourneSkydiveCentre.com.au
Music: Alex Khaskin - "Life is Beautiful"

Shot on a GoPro HD - without which it would not work!

Sabtu, 26 November 2011


Vydání nejmodernější sportovní kamery na světě - HD Hero 2. GoPro HD Hero2 umožňuje zachytit úžasné momenty v profesionální kvalitě 1080p HD a 11 megapixelové fotografie. Nová kamera HD Hero 2 je nyní k dispozici na GoPro.com. Zde jsou další informace a video natočeno novou kamerou od GoPro.


GoPro® Launches HD HERO2® Camera Announces Wi-Fi Remote Control and Video Streaming
GoPro HD HERO2 - on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/goproHDhero

2x More Powerful in Every Way, The HD HERO2 Democratizes Professional Image Capture and Broadcast with Support for Remote Control and Live Video Streaming from Virtually Anywhere to the Web 

New HD HERO2 is twice as powerful as GoPro's original HD HERO camera, the HD HERO2 enables consumers and professionals to capture and broadcast their lives most exciting moments in professional quality 1080p HD video and 11 megapixel photos. The new HD HERO2 is now available at GoPro.com, specialty retailers around the world, and at Best Buy for MSRP $299.99.
Arguably the most versatile camera in the world thanks to its innovative mounting system, renowned durability and small form factor, the HD HERO2 surpasses its predecessor with several technology upgrades. The HD HERO2's new processor delivers twice the processing power, taking full advantage of a new high performance 11 megapixel sensor that delivers more than twice the image detail along with professional low light performance. A totally redesigned wide-angle lens was required to take full advantage of the HD HERO2's increased image processing, resulting in a lens thatʼs twice as sharp as the previous model. And with the arrival of GoPro's new Wi-Fi BacPac™ and Wi-Fi Remote products slated for release this winter, the HD HERO2 will enable video remote control via the Wi-Fi Remote, smartphones and devices, tablets and computers as well as enabling live GoPro video broadcast from anywhere there is Wi-Fi or a mobile hotspot.
Famous for its globally best-selling HD HERO line of wearable and gear mountable cameras, GoPro spared no expense developing the HD HERO2.GoPro created a new category of camera with the HD HERO back in 2009, and itʼs gone on to become one of the best selling video cameras in the world," says Nicholas Woodman, GoProʼs founder and CEO. "With these big shoes to fill, we invested massively in engineering the HD HERO2 to be one of the greatest, most versatile cameras of all time. We think weʼve achieved our goal and weʼre very excited to see the content our customers around the world capture and share with their powerful new GoPros."

2x as Powerful in Every Way:
The HD HERO2 benefits from a complete redesign that results in dramatically enhanced image
quality and ease-of-use:

List of HD HERO2 Feature Enhancements:
• Professional 11MP Sensor
• 2x Faster Image Processor
• 2X Sharper Glass Lens
• Professional Low Light Performance
• Full 170º, Medium 127º, Narrow 90º FOV in 1080p and 720p Video
• 120 fps WVGA, 60 fps 720p, 48 fps 960p, 30 fps 1080p Video
• Full 170º and Medium 127º FOV Photos
• 10 11MP Photos Per Second Burst
• 1 11MP Photo Every 0.5 Sec Timelapse Mode
• 3.5mm External Stereo Microphone Input
• Simple Language-based User Interface
• Compatible with Wi-Fi BacPac™ and Wi-Fi Remote™
- Long Range Remote Control of up to 50 GoPro Cameras per Wifi Remote
- Wi-Fi Video/Photo Preview, Playback and Control via GoPro App
- Live Streaming Video and Photos to the Web

Upgraded Professional Photo Quality and Features
The HD HERO2ʼs photo capture performance has also been significantly upgraded. In addition to much improved low light performance, the HD HERO2 can capture up to ten 11 megapixel photos in a one second burst mode as well as automatic time-lapse photos with quick .5 second timing between photos. This dramatically increases the success-rate when attempting to capture magazine cover quality photos during fast action sports and activities.

Simplified User Interface
GoPro also placed a priority on redesigning the HD HERO2ʼs user interface for dead simple ease-of-use. The HD HERO2 features a totally new, straightforward language-based user interface that eliminates the need for instructions.

"The HD HERO2 is much, much easier to use than the original HD HERO. If you know how to use a traditional camera, you can use the HD HERO2 straight out of the box without instructions. This makes the HD HERO2 very powerful as an every day, easy to use consumer camera while retaining all of the features, modes and performance that has made GoPro the best selling small form factor HD camera to Hollywood," said GoProʼs Director of Product Definition, Rudy Samuels. 

Specialized Right Down to the Packaging
The HD HERO2 sells in three bundled-accessory configurations, each containing the necessary mounts for particular genres of use or activity. The HD HERO2 is backwards compatible with all
existing GoPro mounts and accessories.

HD HERO2: Outdoor Edition - $299.99
HD HERO2: Motorsports Edition - $299.99
HD HERO2: Surf Edition - $299.99

The original 1080p HD HERO camera is now available for MSRP $199.99 - $239.99 (USD) (previously $259.99 - $299.99) through GoPro.com and GoProʼs worldwide authorized dealer network. The Wi-Fi BacPac and Wi-Fi Remote are also compatible with the original HD HERO camera, but functionality is limited to remote control only. Video and photo streaming is not supported.

GoPro LCD BacPac
GoPro has managed to make quite a name for itself with the rugged, wearable, POV-type HD Hero camcorder, and now, the company's further extending the level of versatility provided by this imaging solution by rolling out the LCD BacPac, a detachable LCD screen designed specifically to work with this camera.The HD HERO2 is the most advanced GoPro camera, yet. Here is the best videos from GoPro HD! We hope this film inspires you to get out and do the same.

AEROBATICS PILOT: Kirby Chambliss,
SURF: Alana Blanchard, Monyca Byrne-Wickey, Marlon Gerber, Lee Wilson, Mikala Jones, Malia Manuel, Made Garut Widiarta. SKI / SNOW: Tim Humphreys, Tucker Perkins, Tom Wallisch,
BASE JUMP: Jeb Corliss, Matthias Giraud, Jeff Nebelkopf, Marshall Miller, Neil Amonson Jesse Hall, JT Holmes, Jokke Sommer. 
DIVE: Andy Casagrande 
MOTO: Ronnie Renner, Myles Richmond, Tom Parson 
MUSIC: The Glitch Mob - "We Can Make the World Stop" <

ANTIOUT - full movie - Anttisworld

- film založený na cestách s Antti Autti. Po deseti letech cestování po celém světě, finská legenda snowboardingu Antti Autti se rozhodli dělat věci po svém - chtěl si zajezdit také v přírodním terénu.


Girl & Chocolate Trailer - Crailtap

Girl a Chocolate skateboards chystájí něco velkého. Jde o nové video, už podle traileru se dá říct, že to bude bomba. Na svědomí ho mají zkušení filmaři Ty Evans a Spike Jonze. Na finální podobu si ale musíme počkat až do příštího roku.


Planet Funk "Skydiving" - Another Sunrise HD

Dmitry Kutergin představuje Official Video 2011 - Planet Funk: Skydiving! Na kterém se podíleli režiséři David Gallo & Alberto Maccari. VSF vedoucí videa Benedetto Spada.


INTO THIN AIR - Infinite trails

Harald Philipp & Martin Falkner sami vylezou na nejvyšší hory, a sjíždějí na horských kolech ty nejstrmější svahy. Video od německé party Infinite trails dostalo název INTO THIN AIR.


Jumat, 25 November 2011

Fiji Vignette - Taj Burrow

Taj Burrow natočil tyto 3 části seriálu Fiji Vignette na Fidži. V kterých se předvedou na prknech sám Taj Burrow, Jay Davies a Chippa Wilson. Všechny tyto skvělé záběry v průzračně modré vodě natočil a editoval Riley Blakeway.

Fiji Vignette 1/3

Fiji Vignette 2/3

Fiji Vignette 3/3

Shot & Edited by Riley Blakeway.

Evan Schwartz - Ride the Fall

Evan Schwartz se představí v bike videu, na kterém se podíleli filmaři Liam Mullany a David Peacock. Evan předvede v tomto videu, které dostalo název "Ride the Fall" na extrémních stezkách opravdu velké jezdecké dovednosti.


Not many people have the luxury of eating two (Canadian) Thanksgiving dinners back to back, but when Evan Schwartz heard he might be able to score two full spreads of turkey, he immediately dropped everything, packed up and made the 5-hour trek from Nelson to our couch in Kelowna. With this in mind, we had a solid shot-list assembled. Dolly shots into a stack of yams, cable-cams across the dinner table and super slow motion gravy pours were all lined up. We furiously ate our way out of budget in anticipation, leaving the rest of our plans to crumble. So, instead of the high-brow dinner film which was initially scripted, we ended up having to mash our way down the trail, shooting a regular old mountain biking edit.

Luckily for us, Evan was able to scrounge up a bike he found lying in the back of his pickup, so we spent a few days toiling away. Combining our efforts shooting and editing, it was a rewarding experience. We did this project for ourselves, not to fulfill obligations or make money, and we hope you enjoy the result. With a bit of luck, you’ll be seeing a lot more of it in the future. – Liam Mullany and David Peacock.

Kamis, 24 November 2011

3 Minute Gaps (2011)

SIZE: 2,34GB
LENGHT: 01:11:00



 no pass

Skills for Thrills (2011)

DURATION: 00:38:31

For the uninitiated, when it comes to flat-out, calculated riding, there’s no-one as impressive as Barel. Every nut, bolt and washer on his bikes have been hand-selected and mused over, every tiny riding input fed through a nervous system finely tuned to eking speed out of the trail. In other words, there’s a lot that he can help you out with when it comes to riding.

MBUK tech ed Rob Weaver was out in Nice with Fabien for the latter stages of filming and was blown away, “Riding with Fabien really opens your eyes as to what can be done on a mountain bike,” he said, “His calculated approach to going fast and his understanding of riding technique is quite astounding. His ability to break down techniques and explain exactly what’s happening or what needs to happen is a valuable tool which will help bring your skills on no matter what sort of riding you’re into."



Senin, 21 November 2011

The Art of Flight - TRAVIS RICE - Prague Premiere

Pražská premiéra filmu The Art of Flight za přítomnosti Travis Rice. Který celý megafilm The Arth of Flight uváděl. The Art of Flight je prostě největší snowboardová událost všech dob, a proto je zde ne tomto webu celý film ke stažení.


Pražská premiéra byla první z evropských premiér, který se osobně zúčastnil Travis Rice, ikona a motivátor celýho projektu. Travis, spolu s Marku Kosskim a Nicholasem Mülerem zahájili akci autogramiádou, při který stihli podepsat neuvěřitelný množství plakátů, nějaký ty snowboardy, iPhone a dokonce i Quiksilver shop, jako místo konání akce.
Download full movie 

Následoval rychlej přesun na press konferenci do Slovanskýho domu, kde jezdci hodinu odpovídali na všemožný otázky médií. Po krátkym odpočinku už na ně před dveřmi do multiplexu čekal dav fanoušků. I na ně si jezdci našli čas, přivítali je a pustili do kinosálů s celkovou kapacitou 1500 míst.

Jako třešnička na dortu pak akci zakončila afterparty, na které měli barmani na sedmi barech plný ruce práce, aby vyhověli všem drinkuchtivejm a partichtivejm lidičkám, z čeho si můžete utvořit obrázek, jaká byla na místě atmosféra.
Promítání filmu na obrovském plátně s perfektním zvukem se nedá dostatečně popsat, ale byl to zážitek o několik stupňů intenzivnější, než když si film pustíte doma na obrazovce televize nebo notebooku.

Překonává hranice svých možností, překvapí ale skromným vystupováním a bezprostředností. A též střízlivým přístupem k riziku. "Základem je opatrnost a realistické zhodnocení situace," vzkázal i českým snowboardistům Travis Rice přes Xman.cz ve čtvrtek, kdy v Praze uváděl svůj superfilm The Art of Flight.

Twinmotion: Business teaser

Produkce Twinmotion a Bizz Up představuje nový freeski teaser: "Business". Jezdci: Stefan Beránek, Sebastian Huber, Christoph Koller, Alexander Scherlin, Florian Schneider a Felix Munkler.


Minggu, 20 November 2011

Polte "Skydiving" - What it's all about

Užasné záběry z zachyceny na kamery GoPro ze sezony 2011. Ve videu s názvem "What it is all about" se proletí: Tuomas Hulkkonen, Matti Miilumäki, Jonne Kuoksa a Lauri Aapro, který celé video editoval. Prostě dobrá práce, jen tak dál!


Jumat, 18 November 2011

2011 Demo Reel - Aaron Larocque

Filmař Aaron LaRocque z Britské Kolumbie v současné době cestuje po celém světě a dělá úžasné videa pro značky jako Geax a či Race Face. Zde jeho přehled těch nejlepších záběrů od roku 2008 do současnosti. Natáčeno v Britské Kolumbie, Taiwanu, Itálii, Thajsku a Havaji.


European Outdoor Film Tour (E.O.F.T.): 11/12

Každý rok European Outdoor Film Tour  (EOFT) ukazuje nejnovější a nejzajímavější outdoorsports a dobrodružné filmy. 120 minut plných napětí a adrenalinu ... Podívejte se na ty nejlepší sportovní záběry z roku 2011. Zde najdete také seznam všech filmů 11/12.


E.O.F.T. trvá asi 120 minut. Chystá se zobrazení následujících 10 filmů v původním znění s titulky.
Mezi nejlepší filmy na E.O.F.T. patří určitě The Arth of Flight, Life Cycles, Being There, Dark Side of The Lens a další...

Baffin Babes
Title: Baffin Babes (20 min), Direction: Baffin Babes, Actors: Vera & Emma Simonsson, Ingebjoerg Tollefsen & Kristin Folsland Olsen, Productions: Catapult Film, Production Country: Kanada, Norwegen, Production Year: 2011

Being There
Title:  Being There (8 min), Direction: Filip Christensen, Actors: Aksel Lund Svindal, Tom Wallisch, Henrik Windstedt, Jesper Tjader, Jon Olsson, Production: Field Productions, Production Country: Norwegen, Schweden, Japan, Production Year: 2011

Powderturns with ocean view: you can get that only in Fjord Norway and on the Lofoten Islands – and this is a very special experience even for the best freeskiers in the world!
When looking at the Norwegian mountains, one is not surprised anymore that Norwegians have invented skiing. The best freeriders in the world, among them Henrik Windstedt und Aksel Lund Svindal, meet here, at this place, where the Fjords are reaching far into the country and where the sun does not go down during the summer. For the first time ever, a film team was allowed to shoot here in the Norwegian back country and the Lofoten Islands – which is a special highlight even for the most experienced freeriders since the ocean is within sight!

Title: Cold (18 min), Direction: Anson Fogel, Actors: Simone Moro, Denis Urubko, Cory Richards, Production: Forge Motion Pictures, Production Country: USA, Pakistan, Production Year: 2011

Dark Side Of The Lens
Title: Dark Side Of The Lens (6 min), Direction: Mickey Smith, Actors: Mickey Smith, Production: Astray Films, Production Country: Irland, Production Year: 2011

Being able to surf a wave is one thing. Being able to film it is something completely different, especially when you are in the water yourself while filming. The bigger the wave, the more spectacular the images – but how does such footage come about? In Dark Side of the Lense, the cameraman and photographer Mickey Smith lets us see the world through his eyes. He has chosen his profession carefully since he cannot imagine anything nicer than paddling-out in the cold water, observing surfers and pressing the shutter button at the right moment. His favorite spot for filming and taking pictures is in the rough sea off the Irish coast. He loves playing with the elements, the solitude and the feeling of living the moment and he is sure to be richer than most others because of that – even if not in a material sense.


Title: Kadoma (20 min), Direction: Ben Stookesberry, Actors: Hendri Coetzee, Chris Korbulic, Ben Stookesberry, Production: Ben Stookesberry, Production Country: Kongo, USA, Production Year: 2010

There are special kayak expeditions, there are dangerous ones – and there are especially dangerous ones. The Congo-expedition Hendri Coetzee, Chris Korbulic and Ben Stookesbury undertake definitely falls into the last category. The Congo is something like the „holy grail“ among kayak expeditions. The muddy stream winds through Central Africa for 4.300 km and it is not only the raging rapids one has to be afraid of. The shallow riverbanks are full of hippos and crocodiles and, apart from that, the military is omnipresent in the country battered by poverty and corruption. The South African Hendri Coetzee is the only one who can assess all the dangerous aspects of this expedition. Together with him, Ben Stookesberry and Chris Korbulic set out on their journey to the black heart of Africa. In the middle of the river, however, the expedition takes a dramatic turn.

Life Cycles - FULL Download HD 960p

Title: Life Cycles (12 min), Direction: Derek Frankowski, Ryan Gibb, Actors: Graham Agassiz, Mike Hopkins, Matt Hunter, Cam McCaul, Riley McIntosh, Evan Schwartz, Brandon Semenuk, Thomas Vanderham, Production: Stance Films, Production Country: Kanada, Production Year: 2010

Life Cycles is no ordinary mountain-bike movie since Life Cycles is not starring the mountain biker but instead the bycicle itself. The movie tells the bike’s story: from the manufacturing all the way to its scrapping – and all the ups and downs in between. For seven years, Derek Frankowski and Ryan Gibb have worked on their masterpiece; with a lot of passion, a lot of love for detail and mostly a lot of patience. „Spend time not money“ – was their motto and the movie shows clearly that they stuck to that principle. The bycicle is considered to be the greatest invention of mankind. Life Cycles sets an impressive monument through movement and very aesthetical images. This movie cannot be described in words – one has to watch it.

Outside The Box - A Female Tale

Title: Outside The Box - A Female Tale (20 min), Direction: Stefanie Brockhaus, Actors: Lynn Hill, Anna Stöhr, Juliane Wurm, Production: Moving Adventures Medien GmbH, Production Country: USA, Deutschland, Production Year: 2011

The Art of Flight - FULL Download HD 720p

Title: The Art of Flight (8 min), Direction: Curt Morgan, Actors: Travis Rice, John Jackson, Mark Landvik, Production: Brain Farm Digital Cinema, Red Bull Media House, Production Country: USA,
Production Year: 2011

Travis Rice can fly without wings. All he needs is his snowboard, a run and a kicker. With this equipment taking off is quite easy. In "THE ART OF FLIGHT" Travis Rice, John Jackson and Mark Landvik prove that even snowboarding is an art form. In front of the gigantic mountain range of Alaska the three snowboarders add some new tricks to their repertoire.

The Majestic Plastic Bag

Title: The Majestic Plastic Bag (4 min), Direction: Jeremy Konner, Actors: The Plastic Bag, Production: Heal the Bay, Production Country: USA, Production Year: 2011

A plastic bag is one of the most resistant objects on our planet. It is almost indestructible, it can fly like a bird and swim like a fish. And if we let it, will develop an astonishing life of its own. The Majestic Plastic Bag shows what can happen after it has served its purpose as a carrying device. The bag makes its way to its actual destination: the big trash swirl in the Pacific Ocean – and no garbage collection can stop it from doing so.

This Must Be The One 

Title: This Must Be The One (8 min),
Direction: Sébastien Montaz,
Actors: Jelena Schradi, Damien Mercier, Antoine Moineville, Sébastian Brugalla, Julien Millot,
Production: Sébastien Montaz,
Production Country: Frankreich,
Production Year: 2011

Tailwind and six inches water under the keel – this is all a sailor needs in order to be happy. A highliner also enjoys the wind in his hair but he only gets a kick out of it when he feels a lot of air between him and the ground. The more dizzying the spot, the better! This is why Sebastién Brugalla and his team decided to put up their highline between the 4000 m high Aiguilles du Diable at the Mont-Blanc massif. It can barely get more extreme than that. But who says that one necessarily needs to go to the mountains for highlining if there are such beautiful skyscrapers in the middle of Paris? The two office towers of the Les Mercuriales are only 120 m high but that is compensated by a large crowd that is watching in amazement. For the highliner , it doesn’t really make a big difference. He only aks himself whether the view over the roofs of Paris can really compete with the mountain panorama of the Mont Blanc.

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