Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Brandon Semenuk: Wandering - Taylor Sage

Známý mountainbiker z Whistleru, BC Brandon Semenuk se předvede ve videu od Taylora Sage. Video dostalo název Wandering. Brandon Semenuk je velmi talentovaný mladý jezdec úspěšný na Red Bull Rampage. Na který si troufnou jen opravdová esa.


Brandon started out like most; he was that 11 year old skinny kid that rolled up, stared you down and brought their “A” game, whether it was XC, Dirt jump or DH. Brandon quickly found his stride and became a common sight at competitions and general adventure in the corridor. Brandon got bit by the bug bad around high school. So much so that he and his family decided he should be home schooled for his last two years of so he could focus on perfection.

This dedication has paid off handsomely. SRAM and Semenuk’s local shop, Evolution partnered with him at the age of 15 and never looked back. This edit is a mission statement. A declaration. A visual representation of the lethal cocktail Brandon brings to any battle and what he demands from the products he rides. Brandon’s brute strength, style, and diverse skill match seamlessly with X0.

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